

Welcome to my blog. A documentation of my adventures in travel. Hope you enjoy your visit!

London | Paris | Madrid

London | Paris | Madrid

I watch a lot of movies and I don't think there has ever been a time where I say "I don't want to go there" Exactly the opposite! I want to go EVERYWHERE! My first time out of the country (besides mexico) at the age of 28. Travel seemed so far off years ago. Of course there is always the excuse of finances, then the excuses of "I have no one to go with" then finally I said F*** It! I'm going to Europe! I saw more and experienced more than I thought I would. Visiting Europe in the winter didn't sound like the ideal situation but I just couldn't take it anymore and it was a more affordable trip during that time of year. No more waiting and I told myself to follow my own advice... If not now, when? Is a little cold going to stop me from a trip like this?!  Hellzz no! 


My trip started in London. The jet lag kicked my butt and I wasn't feeling 100% once I landed. I actually ended up sleeping the afternoon away but woke up pumped and ready to hit the town. I'll do my best to remember all the details as it all seems like a blur now. What an incredible city! Everyone was SUPER friendly and everything is walkable or the underground was really easy to figure out! I'm pretty sure I only took a cab once or twice. I spent a whole morning taking a tour of the city on a double decker bus which was basically a comedy show on wheels. Those tour guides never disappoint. I'm not much of a planner when on vacation, I just get up and go in the mornings and see where the day takes me. I welcome getting lost in a new city - I always find adventure along the way and making new friends comes easy. Some of which took me out on the town that night! We danced the night away at TheZoo night club. I spend Christmas day in London. This was really great! Most places where closed which made for a fun trip to China Town to find some "christmas dinner". Not my traditional meal on xmas but i'm a big fan of chinese food. Can't complain! I'll save you from reading every single detail of my visit. Highlights below and many pictures to follow! :) 

  • The London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Hyde Park Winter Wonderland
  • Buckingham Palace 
  • Palace of Westminister
  • Westminister Abbey
  • London Bridge
  • Clubbing at TheZoo 
  • China Town and all the shopping around it! 


It was a very quick and inexpensive flight from London to Paris! Seriously! Once you're out of the US traveling is so easy! After checking in and dropping off luggage I was anxious to see the city. Again, I wandered the streets (which you can easily get lost in). The architecture alone was mind blowing! I LOVE art! Old or new, highbrow or lowbrow, i'm interested! Going to The Louvre was highest on my list. I was finally able to see the many masterpieces I was only able to read about in history and art class. I got to see my favorite sculpture (Winged Victory) in person and I honestly got chills as I stood in front of such beauty. It's not often that something takes my breath away...Impressive is an understatement. I found a cute coffee shop and had my croissant and black coffee with sugar. I usually don't like black coffee, give me all the flavors you got! but for the first time I really enjoyed it. It wasn't your average cup of joe. I wouldn't consider anything in Paris average though. I went to the Eiffel Tower twice in one day - seeing it both in the morning and evening for the light show was great! Bring a bottle of wine and a blanket and enjoy! Being the romantic that I am, I had to see lovers bridge. I bought a lock, put it on the fence filled with hundreds more, made a wish and threw my key into the river. I'm not sure if that's what you're supposed to do but it felt right at the moment. The city was gorgeous with its brick lined streets and ornate buildings. Below are a few more highlights! 

  • The Eiffel Tower - Visit both day & night. It's worth it! 
  • Notre Dame
  • The Louvre
  • Arc de Triomphe 
  • Lovers Bridge
  • Rex Nightclub


My favorite for many reasons! Being able to speak my native language with everyone was great, also the weather was quite a bit warmer than Paris. Sunshine makes me happy!! Madrid was much more relaxed and since it was my last stop before heading home, I didn't have a "must do" list. I spent a lot of time people watching at the park, eating flan, drinking my vino rojo and exploring other parts of the city by foot or the Metro. I met a group of people who where visiting from Guadalajara Mexico and we checked out a couple fun night spots. My favorite being Joy Eslava. I spent the least amount of time in Madrid and I now know that I will have to visit again. Any takers?? 



Turkey in Chicago

Turkey in Chicago